
2006 33rd EPS Conference, Rome, Italy (19th - 23rd June)

Ion loss Measurements with Scintillator Probes at JET and ASDEX Upgrade


2005 16th Topical Conference on Radio Frequency Power in Plasmas, Utah, USA (11th - 13th April)

Numerical Simulation of Ion Cyclotron Heating Experiments with Coupled Maxwell and Quasilinear-Fokker-Planck Solvers


2005 16th Topical Conference on Radio Frequency Power in Plasmas, Utah, USA (11th - 13th April)

Studies of ICRF Discharge Conditioning (ICRF-DC) on ASDEX Upgrade, JET and TEXTOR


2004 16th PSI Conference, Portland, Maine, USA, (24th–28th May)

Development of ICRF Wall Conditioning Technique on Divertor-Type Tokamaks ASDEX Upgrade and JET